Big Brother

Ben “Big Brother” Bernanke Goes Watergate, Prepares To Eavesdrop On Everything Mentioning The Fed

Via Zero Hedge

Two weeks ago, the media’s heart went aflutter when it learned that the president had borrowed a page right out of ole’ Joe McCarthy’s communist witch hunt book with the launch of Attack Watch. The response by everyone, even fans of Obama, was immediate and brutal. Yet where Obama took about 24 hours to crash and burn, someone else has stepped in with a far stealthier method of ferreting out the traitors amongst us: none other than our old friends, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, which in a Request for Proposals filed to companies that are Fed vendors, is requesting the creation of a “Social Listening Platformwhose function is to “gather data from various social media outlets and news sources.” It will “monitor billions of conversations and generate text analytics based on predefined criteria.” The Fed’s desired product should be able to “determine the sentiment [ED:LOL] of a speaker or writer with respect to some topic or document”… “The solution must be able to gather data from the primary social media platforms ? Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and YouTube. It should also be able to aggregate data from various media outlets such as: CNN, WSJ, Factiva etc.” Most importantly, the “Listening Platform” should be able to “Handle crisis situations, Continuously monitor conversations, and Identify and reach out to key bloggers and influencers.

Said otherwise, the Fed has just entered the counterespionage era and will be monitoring everything written about it anywhere in the world. After all, why ask others to snitch for you and anger everyone as Obama found out the hard way, when you can pay others to create the supreme FIATtack WatchTM using money you yourself can print in unlimited amounts. And once the Internet is completely “transparent”, the Fed will next focus on telephone conversations, and finally will simply bug each and every otherwise “private” location in the world. Because very soon saying that “printing money is treason” will be treason, and such terrorist thoughts must be pre-crimed before they even occur.

All we can say is we welcome our new Chairsatan Voldemort overlord. For it is truly he who must not be named henceforth.

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1 Comment

  1. Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. The friend of the world
    is the enemy of God. (I think I read), The Lord has his ‘sanctified’ and chosen ones, who
    he will ‘call upon’ even for his wrath etc.(something like). The anger of the Lord will
    eventually be brought to the stage where there is “no remedy”. The Lord knows how to
    design and build his weapons, and I dare say that some peoples lives are so absolutely
    ‘loaded’, that they would be easily able to take the whole world apart and into pieces if the
    Lord so wished, and they are the Lords, and of His kingdom, and nowhere spiritually near
    the kingdom of Hell and its academy of anti-Christianity and annihilation.
    Prepare to meet them who are transformed into the ministers of righteousness, and
    prepare to face them, who by killing us or me, will think that they do God service.

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