Via The Daily Bell by Anthony Wile

Here at The Daily Bell we track dominant social themes of the Anglosphere power elite (the only elite that matters) and recently we’ve been pointing out that much of what is going on in the (Western) world is a repeat of the early 20th century.
In an article entitled “Parallels Between Early 20th Century and Present Are Scary,” we pointed out that history is indeed seemingly repeating itself. You can see the link here, and some previously created charts below.
We’ve pointed out these parallels in order to make the argument that much of what’s going on now is intended to speed up the process of creating one-world government. We regularly try to explain that there is likely a power elite behind this state of affairs ? a small group wielding enormous Money Power via its control of central banking.
It is this “cabal” that seeks formal world government and ? then ? control of it behind the scenes. In order to implement world government, this impossibly rich cabal or mafia uses dominant social themes (fear-based promotions) to frighten middles classes into giving up power and authority to specially prepared globalist institutions.
But it is not enough to use themes. These themes have to be reinforced by ACTIONS. That is, if one wants to scare people about, say, an oil crisis, one has to implement measures to raise prices by creating an oil shortage. This has been done (even in the recent past) by restricting oil exploration, creating wars in sensitive oil-producing areas, etc.
Here at the Daily Bell we call the strategies of the power elite in aggregate “directed history” ? the idea that the powers-that-be are orchestrating a maximum amount of CONTROLLABLE chaos. Once the chaos has been created, authoritarian solutions can be applied. These solutions are presented as dominant social themes.
The elites use dominant social themes that are not scarcity-based as well. A different kind of theme is one that leads to political unrest and authoritarian solutions that can then be used to advance either one-world government or wars.
Today, we have what is called a “sovereign debt crisis” wracking Europe. Many believe this crisis is merely a coincidental outgrowth of what came before, in the booming, early 2000s.
We’ve gone back and forth on this issue, but increasingly we come down on the side of directed history. Increasingly, we think the elites are planning and creating economic chaos in order to do what they’ve done before ? implement authoritarian solutions as result. Out of chaos … order.
In order to make the case for this argument, it’s helpful to go back in time. We’ve done this already in several articles. You can see one such article, as mentioned previously, here: Parallels Between Early 20th Century and Present Are Scary.
But are their other historical parallels? Maybe so. The question I want to address today is whether the current “sovereign debt crisis” is actually a replay of the infamous Versailles Treaty. The Treaty was “forced” on the Germans, and conventional history tells us that this was a “mistake.”
Was the Treaty of Versailles such an innocent mistake? There are three major issues to consider here: First, German leaders were made to agree to a “War Guilt Clause” in which they admitted Germany had stared the war.
Second, Germany, having started the war, would pay reparations ? a figure that ended up at an impossible (for the times) ?6,600 million. Third, a League of Nations was to keep world peace. (This failed, leading to World War II and the establishment of the United Nations.)
Let’s look at the parallels between the Treaty and the “sovereign debt crisis” in Europe. Do they exist? Are they identifiable? I think an argument can be made that there are. Here’s a broad chart that seems to show parallels.
Versailles Treaty | Sovereign Debt Crisis |
? German Leaders Admit Guilt | ? PIGS Leaders Admit Profligacy |
? Impossible Reparations | ? Impossible Austerity |
? League of Nations | ? IMF/ECB/SDR Expansions |
? Rise of Fascist Leaders | ? Rise of Technocrats |
The overall aim of this historical manipulation in my view is to reinforce the progress the elites are making toward a one-world order. Just as in the 20th century, economics are being manipulated to create misery, despair and ultimately further concentrations of elite power. You can see a related article on this issue here: The Technocrat Meme Descends.
The back story to all of this is the incredible aggressiveness with which elite commercial banks lent to Europe’s Southern PIGS. This is perhaps the “smoking gun.”
If one accepts this was a deliberate effort to create first a boom and then a terrible, international bust to bring the PIGS further under control of Brussels, then the rest of the manipulation becomes clearer. It is a kind of economic terrorism aimed at creating a European super state.
This strategy is not without precedent. One could argue that the Versailles Treaty was a deliberate attempt (not a mistake) to ensure that certain sociopolitical events took place in Germany, and that Germany, in fact, would turn in an authoritarian direction that would eventually, perhaps, lead to another war.
The end game, it seems to me, is formal world government. It seems on its way to happening, though the Internet Reformation is, as we often mention, proving an obstacle to its progress, in our view.
In fact, the elites have taken a great risk in implementing their economic destabilization ? if that’s what they’ve done. They risk undermining the very Union they wish to consolidate. That’s an article we’ve already written and will return to on another day.
Anyway, within the context of these larger suppositions, the above chart may prove useful. It shows, I think, how the power elite really tends to work. Those involved repeat the same historical patterns in order to achieve the intended result (consolidation of power).
Of course, those who wish to rebut such arguments will simply claim that the parallels are coincidences. When it is pointed out that modern history is replete with such coincidences, the response will be that what looks suspicious is merely a “mistake.”
But there are so many mistakes! Strangely enough, the Yalta Treaty that gave away half of Europe to the Soviet Union was a mistake. The Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to the Vietnam War was also a mistake.
From an economics standpoint, the over-inflating of the New York Fed that led to the Crash of ’29 and the subsequent Depression was a mistake. The great mortgage bubble of the 2000s was a mistake. The sovereign debt crisis itself was also a mistake.
EVERY time a mistake is made, the solution seems to involve increased centralization of power at the top, increased global governance, increased authoritarianism.
Here are two other charts we’ve presented recently. Coincidence or deliberate historical manipulation? You decide.
Progressive Movement | Occupy Wall Street |
? Trust Busting | ? Breaking Up Big Banks & Big Corporations |
? Wall Street regulation | ? Re-regulating Wall Street |
? Voting through referendum | ? Direct Democracy |
? Graduated Income Tax | ? Making the Rich Pay their “Fair Share” |
Early 20th Century | Early 21st Century |
? Central Bank Inflation (Roaring ’20s) | ? Central Bank Inflation (Housing Bubble) |
? Depression & Progressive Movement | ? Depression & Youth Movements Worldwide |
? Occupy Washington DC (WW I Veterans) | ? Occupy Wall Street (Disaffected Youth) |
? Reichstag Fire | ? 9/11 |
? Second World War | ? War on Terror Escalating to Bigger War |
? FDR-Like Figure to Provide Leadership | ? Obama, who Models Himself on FDR |