Via, by Brandon Smith
Political and economic events tend to swing like a pendulum, or move like the tides. What you think you know today, according to the mainstream mood, can swiftly change tomorrow. Sometimes this is mere random coincidence, but often it is engineered by the powers that be. When discerning coming trends, the only assumption I recommend people operate on is that the globalists will play the long game; the short game is only relevant as far as it serves the long game.
What is the long game? The globalists have openly admitted their goal in numerous mainstream publications, but my favorite example is the January 1988 issue of the Rothschild run magazine The Economist. The issue pronounces boldly that investors should “get ready for a global currency” by 2018. I examine this issue in detail in my article The Economic End Game Explained.
The Economist article mentions the sacrifice of “some” economic sovereignty of nation states, the end of the dollar’s world reserve status and the rise of the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket currency mechanism as a “bridge” to a single global currency. None of these changes can be accomplished without certain parts of the world suffering severe financial instability first. Not only is this a mathematical inevitability, such crisis is also a useful tool for elitists to mold the public’s collective psychology.
So, let’s make this crystal clear — the long game is the total and OPEN centralization of economic and geopolitical power into the hands of a select few financial elites. Not the pulling of strings behind the curtain. Not shadow governance. OPEN governance of the world by the elites, accepted or even demanded by the people.
There are a lot of assumptions floating around economic conditions and election developments right now that do not take into account this long game. The first being that globalists “are losing their grip on the situation.”
I would have to disagree. In terms of political leaders (East and West) and surface economic indicators, the elites have more control than ever.
The argument of the “bumbling globalists” became rather popular the days after the initial success of the Brexit referendum. This was of course based on the assumption that the Brexit is damaging to the globalists rather than helpful to them. I outline why the Brexit is a perfect scapegoat for a fiscal downturn engineered by the elites in my article Brexit: Global Trigger Event, Fake Out, Or Something Else?, published before the Brexit vote took place.
Since the referendum, central banks and politicians around the world have begun calling for a single monetary and fiscal policy initiative meant to “head off any ill effects of the Brexit.” That is to say, the open calls for one economic authority to rule them all have now begun.
The numerous warnings by the financial elites of a coming crisis event have most people in the mainstream and even many alternative analysts scratching their heads. For those that hyper-focus on stock markets, all seems to be well. Of course, these people only have an attention span that lasts until the next market ticker opens for the day. They aren’t looking at the bigger picture.
To be fair, though, the mainstream media is really laying on the fake-out propaganda thick.
July and August have produced considerably strange behaviors from stocks so far, with a record number of days positive, followed by a near-record number of days negative. I would consider this a form of volatility that should not be overlooked. The media have so far shrugged off these developments and only noted that stock valuations are still high despite the Brexit “surprise.” Their assertion has been that the Brexit “had no effect;” completely ignoring the fact that such events can have long term consequences rather than immediate consequences.
Oil prices have plunged back towards lows last seen at the beginning of the year, something I stated would eventually occur after the predictable failure of the OPEC meeting in Doha. Low global demand continues and production has not slowed in any meaningful way.
There has been a steady correlation the past year between oil and stocks. The current decoupling is unlikely to last very long and stocks should track down to oil by September as speculators give up trying to hold crude offshore in a useless effort to drive prices higher. The mainstream has said little to nothing about this decoupling or its eventual consequences.
The past two months of employment numbers have been an epic farce, with the media playing up the supposed number of jobs added while mentioning nothing about the nearly 95 million working age Americans removed from the rolls and no longer counted as unemployed. That’s almost one third of the U.S. population, and around half of all working age Americans that have no job.
The Bureau of Labor’s claim when cornered by this statistic and the fraudulent nature of their primary employment percentages? “Those people don’t want to work, therefore they should not be counted…”
The better than expected jobs reports have so far allowed markets to levitate. I would assert, however, that stocks are merely treading water at the deceptively calm center of a hurricane.
The reality is, they cannot hide an economic collapse forever. Negative financial effects are going to touch ground somewhere, and the data is going to sneak through. Case in point; U.S. productivity is now at 37 year lows despite government statistics claiming fully recovered employment. You would think that in such a happy labor environment portrayed by the BLS productivity would grow. This is not the case. Perhaps a total unemployed population of over 100 million people may be contributing to the implosion of U.S. productivity…?
Outside of the U.S., European banks are on the verge of a breakdown, and central bank stimulus measures and rate cuts are adding minimal extra boost to markets. They aren’t currently falling much, but they aren’t rallying much either. In essence, equities are becoming stagnant due to artificial support from central banks and there is little incentive for investors to participate any longer.
In light of the latest manipulations of economic data and the jawboning of stocks since March, some alternative analysts have pronounced that the central banks plan to prop up markets “indefinitely,” or at least until Hillary Clinton can win the election.
This is an unfortunate assumption by the alternative crowd…
I remember before the Brexit vote a vast majority of independent economists and liberty analysts argued that the elites would “never allow” the U.K. referendum to pass — that they had the power to rig the vote however they pleased. If this is the case (and I agree it is the case), then clearly the elites WANTED the Brexit to pass.
It would serve alternative analysts well to recall specifically the rigged polling numbers in the weeks leading up to the Brexit which showed a definite win for the “Stay” crowd. Interesting how that all turned out, isn’t it?
I am consistently reminded of the Brexit surprise when I look today at the polling numbers on the U.S. election. The erratic and inconsistent polling shows Trump climbing, then suddenly sinking days later, then climbing again without any clear catalysts. Many polls contradict each other, just as the polls did before the Brexit, and, the same kind of circus atmosphere is present, if not more prevalent.
It may be possible, if not certain, that this is all a game. The Brexit outcome was predetermined, which is how elites like George Soros scored successful investment bets on the referendum passing, and the reason why the Bank for International Settlements gathered central bankers from around the world as the vote was taking place.
I believe that the U.S. presidential election has also been predetermined; with a Trump win. Some people might be confused by this concept.
Trump’s campaign has been consistently compared to the Brexit campaign by globalists in the media, as well as by mainstream pundits. They call it a “dangerous” trend of rising populists.
The propaganda surrounding the Brexit asserts that the referendum will eventually lead to global economic crisis; and already, central banks and politicians are attempting to tie the Brexit to anything that might go wrong fiscally in the near future.
The propaganda surrounding Trump is the same; that Trump is unfit to lead America and that his economic policies will end in global financial ruin.
One constant connects the Brexit referendum and Trump — both are supported by conservative movements with anti-globalist leanings.
I submit that there is in fact a wider economic crisis on the way, and that the elites plan to use the Brexit and Trump as scapegoats for this crisis.
I have stated this before, but I think the idea needs repeating: The globalists need the economy to turn unstable in order to create a rationale for a centralized economic authority and a single global currency system. This is why they have consistently called for a “coordinated global central banking policy” after the Brexit. This is why they continue to warn of a fiscal crisis even though stock markets remain at all-time highs.
If Hillary Clinton, a well known globalist puppet deep in the bedrock of the establishment, wins the election only to have the economy tank, then the globalists will get the blame.
If Trump is either allowed in office, or is placed in office, and the economy tanks, CONSERVATIVES, the primary enemy of the globalists, will get the blame for the resulting crisis.
To reiterate, the globalists have created the conditions by which an economic crisis can be triggered at the time of their choosing (within certain limits). They are then either supporting the success of seemingly conservative based movements and candidates, or simply refusing to interfere with them. This is being done so that the globalists can then blame the crash they created on conservative movements.
This allows them to demonize not just conservatives, but the conservative philosophy in general; labeling it a poisonous ideal akin to fascism. Their solution? Erase all elements of conservatism and sovereignty from society for the sake of the “greater good” of the collective.
This is part of the long game.
As I noted after the U.K. referendum, I believe the Brexit to be part of a “one-two-punch combination,” and that the second punch has not arrived yet. My view appears to be supported by the number of financial elites warning investors to pull out of markets today before it is too late. Obviously, they know something the rest of the financial mainstream does not.
This sets up the elites as “prophets” rather than criminals, as economic perception turns negative and the public begins looking for answers.
In the meantime, I believe a softer downturn will begin before the election takes place, most likely starting in September. This will give a boost to the Trump campaign, or at least, that is what the polls will likely say. I would also watch for some banking officials and media pundits to blame this downturn on Trump’s rise in the polling data. The narrative will be that just the threat of a Trump presidency is “putting the markets on edge.”
Many claim the Federal Reserve will not raise rates in 2016 with the election threatened by a Trump candidacy. I believe the Fed will in fact raise rates, as they always do going into major recessions. If they do not raise rates before the election, they will most certainly raise rates in December if Trump is in the White House.
I realize that many will argue that Trump will “never be allowed to win,” just look at how the media demonizes him. But this is what people argued before the Brexit, and they were wrong. I suggest that this demonization campaign is much like the doom and gloom used by globalists before the UK referendum — it is not meant to stop the event. It is not meant to prevent Trump from getting into office, it is meant to make Trump and conservatives a scapegoat for an impending crisis once he is IN office.
While I certainly am not advocating Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office, I have to point out that a Trump presidency serves the globalist long game better than a Clinton presidency.
First, the elites need an international financial crisis to encourage the public to support a single central bank policy and authority. They can blame such a crisis on Trump and the Brexit and divert attention away from themselves.
Second, the elites need to remove the philosophy of conservatism as an obstacle to global collectivism and the destruction of national sovereignty. Again, conservatives will be blamed as participants and co-conspirators in the fiscal crisis, and painted as so devilish that no future generation would want to be a associated with conservative thought.
Third, the elites need to kill the dollar’s world reserve status. And yes, even this could be blamed on Trump as Saudi Arabia moves away from the dollar as the petro-currency and multiple nations begin to protest Trump’s “isolationism” by dumping the dollar. In October, China (with the approval of the IMF) begins spreading SDR-based liquidity around the world, launching the next phase of the end of the dollar as world reserve right before the U.S. election climax.
Fourth, the elites need internal conflict within the U.S. and/or martial law in order to justify international intervention. A Trump presidency will most likely be met with accelerated violence from social justice activists and general riots from the entitlement class. I believe Trump will use martial law measures, though he probably will not label this “martial law”. There may even come a day when globalist “leaders” will assert that Trump cannot be allowed access to a nuclear arsenal, and that he must be stopped.
If Trump turns out to be anti-constitution, and the liberty movement acts to stand against him — we will be accused of working for the social justice miscreants, or we will ironically be accused as agents of the globalists. If we fight against a globalist intervention or the social justice mobs, we will be accused as fascists by the international community. Truly, with Trump as president, many doors open for the elites.
That said, this does not mean the elites will be ultimately successful in their endeavors. There are always unknowns to any grand scheme. As Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I believe the elites will be surprised by some sizable punches in the mouth. Until then, though, their current strategy appears to be running on schedule.