The Temple Institute in Jerusalem Has Spent Approximately $27 Million on Preparations for the Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple

We live at a time when the signs of the last days are literally being fulfilled right in front of our eyes. One of the most exciting signs that Bible prophecy students love to keep an eye on are preparations for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. In a previous article, we discussed how the Temple Institute in JerusalemTemple by beginning to rebuild the sacrificial altar. Now it has been revealed that the Temple Institute has already spent approximately 27 million dollars on preparations for the rebuilding of the Temple, and that the Temple Institute intends for this future Temple to be a house of prayer for all “monotheistic religions”. took a giant step towards the rebuilding of the
The executive director of the Temple Institute, Yehuda Glick, says that a large portion of the financial support for the Temple Institute actually comes from evangelical Christians…..
”There are 70 million evangelical Christians around the world, and most of them have become Israel’s strongest supporters.”
So what have all these funds gone towards so far? Well, the truth is that the Temple Institute has been extremely busy. The Temple Institute Museum in Jerusalem’s Old City contains solid gold service vessels, trumpets made of silver, garments to be worn by future priests made from golden thread, copper urns and many, many other items that have been painstakingly designed to Biblical specifications for use in the future Temple.
So when will this Temple be built?
According to Glick, it will depend on when the Messiah shows up…..