I?m Gary Heavin Executive Producer, Writer and Actor of the new movie AMERIGEDDON.
We are very excited about what we’ve accomplished with this project.
Apparently, many of you are interested as well since we have over 7,000,000 unique views and hundreds of thousands of YouTube views for our trailer.
As we are working on a theatrical release strategy appropriate to the growing response we are experiencing for the film, we wanted to share why this project is so important and why we need your support.
As a businessman who made a fortune and then sold his company, I was looking for something important to do with my time and resources.
I?ve always had a passion for truth.
As a Christian who is serious about his faith, it comes with the territory.
But my pursuit for truth goes beyond my faith.
It is more of a compulsion, something that drives me regardless of where it may lead and the consequences that may come.
I have had a unique set of experiences that exposed me to truths in various forms including the broad areas of finance, government, religion, power, etc.
My company does business in 90 countries.
I have traveled to most of the countries and dealt with their cultures, from their boardrooms to their bar rooms.
As a billionaire at age 50, I?ve had the opportunity to spend time with the 1% of the 1%, I was privy to the power and ego that comes with money and the temptation to start believing your own press, so to speak.
Thankfully, my passion for truth and my long-suffering wife have kept my feet on the ground.
So what is the truth that is so important that I would want to make a movie about it?
The truth is, you are in great danger.
There is a power that exists in this world that wants to destroy you, your children and your country.
The power goes by various names such as ?the group,? the ?deep state,? and the ?shadow government? among others.
These groups worship and serve a god that is evil and opposed to the God that most of us serve.
They have been able to stealthily evade us due to several factors.
The mainstream media in America is bought and paid for by the elite.
Ninety-eight percent of MSM is owned by only six corporations.
Their board members sit on each other?s boards and their advertising revenues come from their corporate owners and associates.
The guard dogs of liberty have become the lapdogs of moneyed interests.
Most Americans are oblivious to this and don?t question the obvious bias.
The most important element that has worked in their favor is the mind of the average American.
We have become too lazy and even fearful to think well or to think critically.
Freedom requires thoughtfulness and vigilance.
Little Johnny is called on by his teacher.
She asks him, ?Johnny, tell the class the difference between ignorance and apathy.?
He snaps back with his poor attitude??I don?t know and I don?t care.?
Ignorance and apathy are two of the primary reasons Americans are no longer protecting their freedoms.
As I?ve mentioned, there are also people that are just plain evil.
These people have come to steal, rob and destroy and seem like fiction to most of us.
But, alarmingly, they exist.
And they want to steal your freedom.
We are rapidly losing our freedom as unconstitutional executive orders (13603) go unchallenged and by the outright passing of laws such as the NDAA that allows for the arrest and incarceration of American citizens, indefinitely, without charges.
It?s not just Obama.
In fact, he is simply a puppet, controlled by those who hold the true power.
And its not just democrats.
The republican leadership is bought and paid for.
Princeton and Northwestern Universities published a study last year.
They analyzed federal policies that were passed over the last 19 years and who influenced those policies.
They found that the average voter had no influence.
Federal policy was almost entirely determined by moneyed interests.
Even Jimmy Carter stated recently, ?America is no longer a democracy, it?s an oligarchy.?
I believe if we are to restore our freedom that we must share the truth with as many people as we can possibly reach.
I chose to make the movie AMERIGEDDON for this purpose.
I believe that if we can entertain while we inform that more people will awake.
We made a movie that is fun to watch but it is as fact based as possible.
It is based on a very likely scenario of America being attacked by an EMP and the survivors being faced with martial law led by the United Nations.
American soldiers must decide who they serve, second amendment rights are curtailed and food and water become our primary concerns.
I ask for your support with the release of this film and for preserving America?s freedoms for future generations.
Please watch our trailer and support us by sharing the message with your friends.
God bless.