World Government

Brexit, And Goals And Ops Of The Deep State

Via Activist Post

We have to start with Brexit, which scored a victory last night. Britain leaves the EU. Bang. Other European countries are ready to put the same referendum up for vote. And George Soros is making money from having invested in gold earlier in the month. Naturally. The vulture never sleeps.

Speaking of money making money, the ?hysterical aftershocks? in trading markets, right after the Brexit victory was projected, are all synthetic and artificial manipulations, laid on to prove a point: see what happens when a country defects from the New Order? Meanwhile, the people who had real jobs yesterday still have them today. Life goes on. Britain will still be able to engage in trade with other countries, despite Obama?s warning that they?ll have to stand in the back of the line to make deals with the US. Nonsense. Blather. Obama is failing in his job as front man for Rockefeller Globalists. If he can?t get Senate ratification on the TPP and the TTIP deals now, he?ll be the CFR?s failure of the decade. Hillary, who came out against Brexit, is looking like a clown with egg on her face.

So?what is Britain leaving when it leaves the EU? It?s departing a giant robot, a structure of untold numbers of sub-androids, bureaucrats who have been making life miserable for Europe. Higher debt, unlimited migration, blizzards of regulations, grim political correctness. All in the service of a coming utopia, of course.

The real job of the EU is dehumanizing people, for the sake of humanity. That?s how faceless robot-bureaucrats operate.

The EU is an illusion of authority, in the sense that it pretends to be in exclusive possession of knowledge that will make life better for all of Europe.

The EU built itself as a machine, a structure so maze-like, so complex that ?it must be valuable.? It resembles a super-computer. ?We have trillions of pieces of vital data. We can plan the future more competently than any smaller entity. Leave the details to us.?

The EU is in all these ways a copy of the Deep Global State, of which it is a part. The Deep State has, of course, not gone away. A much greater degree of dismantling is necessary. Technocracy itself has to be understood and defeated, because it is the leading edge of the new Globalist society?

The State is now involved in making people into robots and robots into people.

Behind all the technological promises and heraldry, this is what?s happening. People are already beginning to feel a fierce unshakable loyalty to machines?and a religious adoration. Up the road, robots will be wise counselors and guides and priests. This is civilization?s version of magic.

The EU?that machine?is one small part of the whole op.

It is a machine, whose purpose is turning humans into robots and robots into humans.

That?s the bottom line of highly centralized authority in the modern age.

Image credit: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

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